Bio & My Journey

Growing up, I was always curious about the world around me and how things worked. My interest in STEM led me to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Mechatronics Engineering in Thailand, where I saw many Cambodians working in low-skilled jobs receiving minimum wages due to a lack of quality education in STEM. I am resolutely devoted to bridging this gap by leveraging my expertise and abilities through Quality Education (SDG 4) for the younger generation of Cambodians to become talented scientists and engineers. After graduating in 2020, I decided to apply for a teaching job in my motherland, Cambodia.

I was accepted for a full-time position as a high school Physics teacher and STEM project advisor at E2STEM Education. My aim was to change students’ negative perceptions of learning Physics by making the subject more engaging and inspiring.

Another life-changing experience reinforcing my decision to dive deeper into Physics was my role as a mentor for Cambodia’s First Global Challenge Team 2022. Through this program, I had an opportunity to visit the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). It was an “Aha! Moment ” that sparked my curiosity to seek more profound knowledge of physics and I felt pride in humanity when we are little people with tiny brains on a little planet can do a simulation to recreate Big Bang matter, understand the basic law of nature and can answer the profound question “how our universe started.”


⚛️ Physics

📚 Philosophy

⚙️ Engineering

🚴‍♂️ Cycling


🎓 Cambridge International Certificate in Teaching and Learning (CICTL), 2022

Cambridge Assessment International Education

🎓 BE Mechatronics Engineering, 2020

Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (RMUTT)

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