
The Problems of Teaching Physics

  • Rote Learning Approach
  • Inadequate resources and infrastructure
  • Lack of Hands-on Experiments
  • Lack of interest and engagement from students
  • Conceptual difficulties and misconceptions
  • Continuous professional development for physics teachers
  • Limited integration of real-world applications
  • Traditional assessment methods often focus on rote memorization rather than conceptual understanding, which may not accurately reflect students’ actual knowledge and skills.
  • Lack of interdisciplinary approach: Physics intersects with various other scientific disciplines, such as mathematics, chemistry, and biology. However, there is often a lack of integration and interdisciplinary approach in teaching physics, limiting students’ ability to see the connections between different scientific fields.

Quote that changed my mind to make a difference in teaching physics.

โ€œScience is an adventure of the whole human race to learn to live in and perhaps to love the universe in which they are. To be a part of it is to understand, to understand oneself, to begin to feel that there is a capacity within man far beyond what he felt he had, of an infinite extension of human possibilities.

I propose that science be taught at whatever level, from the lowest to the highest, in the humanistic way. It should be taught with a certain historical understanding, with a certain philosophical understanding, with a social understanding and a human understanding in the sense of the biography, the nature of the people who made this construction, the triumphs, the trials, the tribulations.โ€

โ€” I.I. Rabi, Nobel Laureate in Physics

Transferring Engineering Framework to Solve “The Problems of Teaching Physics”

With a background in engineering, I have acquired a foundation in technical principles and problem-solving methodologies, which has greatly influenced my approach to teaching physics. By integrating the Engineering Design Process into my instructional methods, I aim to foster a practical and hands-on learning experience for my students, enabling them to apply their knowledge of physics to real-world scenarios and develop valuable critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

โ€œI can guarantee you that the most important moments of your life are not decided by what you know, but by how you think.โ€

โ€” Neil deGrasse Tyson (American astrophysicist, author, and science communicator)

How I teach physics?

At E2STEM Education Cambodia, the school director and environment allow us to โ€œLearn, Change and Lead.โ€ With the freedom and support, I am confident to design a physics curriculum for high school students to experience how beautiful physics is.

To execute my plan, I followed Richard Feynmanโ€™s advice to โ€œmaster something, teach itโ€ by educating myself through ACDS Teaching and Learning, online lectures from MIT OpenCourseWare to gain a deeper understanding and implement new teaching methods from physics education research that I gain from professional development (CIATL, CICTL).

Each year as a teacher, I set a motto for my class, such as โ€œBring Physics Alive!โ€, โ€œMake Physics More Extraordinaryโ€, and โ€œThink like a Physicist.โ€

To achieve these goals, I implement active learning techniques, and scientific methods, incorporate hands-on experiments and simulations, role-play, showing inspiring movies and documentaries, connect big ideas to chapters and lessons, and provide context by including the history behind the stories of each discovery. After each lesson, I encourage my students to write down reflections and transfer their understanding by relating them to everyday life, connecting with other subjects, real-world applications,ย  and giving feedback for my teaching that need room for improvement.

By doing so, my students not only gain a deeper understanding of physics but also come to appreciate the hard work and perseverance of scientists and physicists. They see physics as an exciting intellectual adventure that continually drives humankind to know and  understand our world and get inspiration to do science or engineering degrees. This approach also led to increased engagement and interest in the subject and solidified my belief that โ€œphysics has chosen me.โ€

โ€œThe mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.โ€

โ€” William Arthur Ward

Evidence 2020-2021 (Mostly Virtual Class Online)

  • Introduction & Inspiration to teach and learn Physics

  • Scientific Method-Grade 10 (2021)

  • Guidance students learn from Khan Academy Physics

  • Explain with Simulation

Evidence 2021-2022

  • Presentation (Climate Change & Solution – Advance Topics)

  • Students’ Experiment (12.4, 2021-2022)

  • Driver-Navigator

    Reflection Books

Evidence 2022-2023

  • Interactive Lecture (2023)

  • Hand-on Experiments(example videos)

    Hand-On Experiments (Pictures)

    Example of Reflections (2023)

    Inspiring Movies & Documentaries

  • Active-Learning Classroom

  • Big Picture (students work)

  • Role-Play

  • (Example Noice Cancelling)

  • Excited Moment of Lab experiment (Induction)

Impact on my students

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